Singing Guide: Randy Stonehill

Singing Guide: Randy Stonehill

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like Randy Stonehill, you are in for a treat because he has a unique vocal style that sets him apart from other artists. One of the distinctive features of his voice is the clarity and emotional depth he brings to his songs. His music is a blend of folk, rock, and jazz, and he is known for his storytelling.

To learn how to sing like Randy Stonehill, you need to focus on the following vocal techniques:

  1. Voice projection and Breath Control: Randy Stonehill is known for his powerful voice projection and control over breath. He can produce a wide range of tones and hold notes for a considerable amount of time, thanks to his breath control. To practice this technique, you can try one of the Singing Carrots breathing exercises, such as the Farinelli Breathing exercise.
  2. Vibrato: Vibrato is an essential technique that Randy Stonehill uses to add emotion to his songs. It involves singing a note with a slight oscillation, which creates a rich and warm tone. To practice this technique, you can use one of Singing Carrots' vibrato exercise videos to develop this skill.
  3. Articulation and Pronunciation: Randy Stonehill's singing style is characterized by a clear and precise articulation. To improve your diction, you can use the Singing Carrots articulation article and video.
  4. Chest Voice and Mixed Voice: Chest voice is the lower range of your voice, and mixed voice is a blend of chest and head voice that Randy Stonehill uses to produce a unique sound. The Singing Carrots Voice Registers & Vocal Break video explains how to develop this technique.

Now that you know what techniques to focus on, here are some of Randy Stonehill's famous songs that showcase his vocal technique:

  • Shut De Do
  • Turning Thirty
  • Norman's Kitchen
  • Keep Me Running
  • Rachel Delevoryas
  • Kingfisher

To practice singing like Randy Stonehill, Singing Carrots offers a Vocal Range Test to discover your vocal range. You can search for songs that match your vocal range using the Singing Carrots Song Search tool. The Songbook feature can help you create playlists, lyrics, chords, and sheet music for your performance set. Moreover, you may want to try the Singing Carrots Pitch Accuracy Test to assess your pitch and the Pitch Training tool to improve it.

To master Randy Stonehill's singing style further, check out Singing Carrots' articles for expert advice. The following articles should be helpful on your journey of singing like Randy Stonehill:

By following these tips and practicing diligently, you're one step closer to being able to sound like Randy Stonehill.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.